Object Detection: Using a custom model

Object Detection: Using a custom model

The Object Detection Node allows to connect to your own custom model. At first, you need to configure the object detection node in your flow to use a custom model. You will do that by checking the Custom checkbox.

The custom model will be indicated with a downloadable URL (after the “Custom” checkbox is checked). Here are the requirements of the uploaded customized model:
  • The downloadable link should actually be a tar.xz file that includes the model files and the corresponding label file.

  • The model’s root folder should be matched with the model_name (the file name of the model).

    • Tensorflow V1(CPU, NVIDIA GPU)

    • Tensorflow V2(CPU, NVIDIA GPU)
      custom_model/saved_model/custom_model.pb or custom_model/saved_model/saved_model.pb

    • OpenVINO(MYRIAD)

    • Tflite(Google TPU)

  • The model folder should be compressed with format tar.xz.

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