Add a New Module

Add a New Module

Viso Suite allows you to add public and custom modules. A module contains building blocks (nodes) to create AI applications in the Viso Builder. After installing a module it will appear in your workspace library.

Add a Public Module
  1. In your workspace, navigate to Library > Modules > Add module
  2. Use the search bar under the Public Module option to brows in the module library
  3. Hover over the module and select install
Add a Custom Module
  1. Download the zip file from GitLab of the module you want to add to your workspace
  2. In your workspace, navigate to Library > Modules > Add module
  3. Select Import Module under the Custom Module option
  4. Enter the module name and description and drag or import the zip file which you previously created
  5. Confirm and wait until the module is installed (you will be notified if the installation was successful)

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